Helen has notable experience in relation to highways law, public rights of way, town and village green, minerals & waste planning law, flooding & drainage, and major infrastructure projects.

Helen also has significant experience advising on of all aspects of minerals and waste planning matters; including large scale quarry and waste development (including Energy from Waste infrastructure), judicial review, review of minerals permissions, planning policy and enforcement matters, in addition to over 10 years experience advising planning committee Members.

Helen has significant experience advising local highway authorities in respect of operational and strategic highway issues, including the drafting and negotiation of associated highways agreements under the Highways Act 1980 and providing in respect of major infrastructure development schemes.

Helen has provided advice to local authorities and developers in respect of residential and highway development schemes, including advising on planning and highways agreements. Helen also has considerable experience advising authorities in respect of all aspects of development, including advising on CIL compliance, developer contributions, and officer reports.

Helen also has an interest and a wealth of experience in all aspects of Information Law, Including data sharing, information requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004, Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR.


Examples of experience include:

  • Welsh Government - Lead advisor to the Welsh Assembly Government in respect of all aspects of its role as statutory consultee for Horizon Nuclear Power’s DCO application for the proposed Wylfa Nuclear Power Station and National Grid’s DCO application for the grid connection to the proposed power station
  • Walsall Council - Advising Walsall Council in relation to a major highway improvement scheme affecting Junction 10 of the M6. The £64.5m scheme is being promoted by the Council in partnership with Highways England and will require the making of a CPO to acquire land required for the improvement of this heavily congested strategic highway
  • Severn Trent Water – A38 Improvements DCO - Advising Severn Trent Water in their capacity as statutory consultee for Highways England’s DCO application to improve three existing roundabout junctions on the A38 at Derby. Providing advice to Severn Trent Water in respect of potential impacts of the proposed scheme on any statutory undertaker protective provisions. Review DCO protective provisions and drafting of Protective Provisions Agreement to ensure protection of rights. Review and amend Statement of Common Ground between the Applicant and Severn Trent
  • London Borough of Greenwich – Woolwich Leisure Centre - planning advice and CPO strategy advice - Provided CPO and Planning Strategy advice to Royal Borough of Greenwich for the re-development of Woolwich Leisure Centre and associated residential development (to be delivered by a development partner)
  • Brighton Marina Limited- Brighton Marina Outer Harbour – Appeal for Non-Determination - Instructed by Brighton Marina Limited in respect of an Appeal for Non-Determination for its hybrid application for the second and third phases of the Brighton Marina Outer Harbour development (mixed use residential and commercial including affordable housing). Provided advice on all appeal matters, including instructing Counsel, affordable housing and viability advice, appeal process and procedure and negotiating the s106
  • North Yorkshire County Council and Selby District Council - Provision of advice in relation to all County Council aspects of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), including drafting of Development Consent Orders, Schedule of Mitigation and Section 106 Agreement. The provision of advice to officers in relation to NSIP applications includes strategic advice around the Authority’s corporate position in respect of each project; and representing the Authority at Hearing. Projects worked on include the White Rose Carbon Capture Project (Drax Power Station); Knottingley Gas Fired Power Station; Eggborough Gas Fired Power Station, and National Grid Carbon Capture Pipeline.