Kate specialises in planning and infrastructure, and regularly advises clients in both the public and private sector on a range of matters, both contentious and non-contentious.  These include planning appeals; section 106 agreements; due diligence; highways agreements; judicial review; stopping up orders; permitted development rights and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), as well as compulsory purchase orders and compensation claims arising from such orders.

She has particular expertise in the residential sector and presents regularly to clients and intermediaries on sector specific topics, particularly "negotiating section 106 agreements".  She has advised developers, landowners and registered providers in relation to large residential development sites throughout the country, spanning from the North East to Devon.

In addition Kate has substantial experience of promoting NSIPs and advising on the development consent regime, with particular expertise in the energy and waste sectors.


  • Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. on the construction of a new plant including advice in relation land assembly and compulsory purchase
  • Sembcorp Utilities UK Ltd on the promotion of a Development Consent Order for a combined cycle gas turbine generating station, including attending hearings, preparing written submissions and advising on the development control regime
  • GRIP REIT plc (Grainger plc's GRIP REIT joint venture with APG) on the planning aspects of the forward funding of a major build-to-rent £27 million development project in Southampton including the impacts of the s106 mitigation of such in the contract
  • Medway Council on a regeneration project delivering 1,400 homes, a school and a hotel and preparing the section 106 agreement for the development
  • The Department for Education providing strategic planning advice on sites across the country, including the negotiation of planning obligations and infrastructure agreements with local planning authorities, producing due diligence reports and advising on planning appeals
  • Various housebuilders on planning matters including the drafting and negotiation of section 106 agreements and advising in relation to CIL, permitted development rights and highway issues and preparing responses to the ExA's Written Questions, negotiating DCO section 106 agreements and advising on compulsory acquisition powers as part of the DCO application process.