I would be lying if I didn’t say I was concerned when the ABI told me that they wanted their committee leaders to produce regular podcasts. I’ve listened to podcasts before, but never made one. What were my concerns? 

First, there were tech concerns: how do you actually make a podcast, would I do this from my office or did I need to go somewhere, and what if I didn’t like how I sounded or what I said, could I call a “Mulligan” and get a do-over? 

Next, there were my content concerns: how would I come up with a topic, do I do the podcast alone or do I interview someone, what if I had no audience, or what if the listeners didn’t like what I had to say?

I am happy to report that all my tech concerns were non-issues.  Recording the podcasts is incredibly easy. I simply record over zoom using my regular computer and monitor with built-in microphone and speakers. Even easier, I can make corrections in real time by saying “delete what I said and replace with what I am going to say.” After recording, I receive a draft recording where I am able to remove sections, words, phrases or re-record sections that I do not like. In other words, the tech part has been smooth sailing.

My content concerns also turned out to be more akin to a molehill than a mountain. Podcast ideas come to me the same way they do for articles. I find a case or issue that interests me and, rather than write about it, I just speak about it. What particularly helps is that I partner with co-host Connor Bifferato on our Reframing Mediation podcasts. Connor and I are the co-chairs of ABI’s mediation committee. We have known each other for many years and so speaking on a podcast together is easy and came naturally once we got a hang of it (spoiler alert - our second podcast was even better than our first). What I found particularly funny after that first recording is that we each criticized our own portions but yet thought the other sounded great. As for an audience, the concern was covered by the ABI publishing these podcasts and posting them on social media, and then I do the same via LinkedIn. While I know some listeners are my mom, wife, daughters, brother, sister-in-law and nephews, I’m confident that some non-relatives also listen.

Is it worth it?  Yes, it has been beneficial for several reasons. Preparing for a podcast requires me to research an issue or a case, which increases my knowledge and strengthens my practice. Also, recording the podcast with my co-host leads to interesting discussions, where we challenge each other and come up with new ideas and strategies that inevitably better my skills and effectiveness as an attorney. Lastly, speaking about something that interests me and for which I have an expertise is a great way for me to be at the forefront on issues relating to bankruptcy mediation.

Click below to listen to Schnitzer’s new ABI “Reframing Mediation" podcast: